Wednesday, June 2, 2010


i borke it waawawawawaw, me acidnaly delet my manage user clas

F%*$( \ T+ eayh

hahahhahahah yahooo evry thng wr0ks ahahhahahah(eivl luagh) xD
n0w i hve to meka thsi CMS to wroks the olny thng i ned yuo to do si raed ths thnig

Friday, May 21, 2010


my god dam decrease button works............ it was just a fluke i'dont know how it works but it works HAZA!!!!!!!!!!!!

' get the CartID of the row that has been selected
Dim intCartID As Integer = e.CommandArgument

' Instantiate a User object.
Dim ThisShoppingCart As ShoppingCarts = Session("shoppingCart")

' Determine what the CommandName is & call operations accordingly.
If e.CommandName = "Increase" Then
End If

If e.CommandName = "Decrease" Then
End If

If e.CommandName = "Remove" Then
End If

' WORKAROUND: Refresh the page to ensure the user panel is updated with current shoppingcart info.

End Sub

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Product grid view

today i am now coding my store product page with the grid view.
i made two classes Product with the getters and setters etc and my productlist which will list the prcedures to list = my product to the array list
showing product name.price and a image and the other connection string will display name,price,image and description

i found a back door!!!

If CategoryID = 501 Then
intCategoryID = CategoryID
strCategoryName = categoryName & "501"
intProductID = ProductID
strProductName = ProductName & "501"
strDescription = ProductDescription & "501"
decPrice = ProductPrice
End If

Xd ahhahahahahahh........................
this thing just writes 501 at the end of a qury string

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Master \page

ok this time i finsh my master page i have to make two master page on for the store pages and one for the normal pages

Saturday, March 27, 2010

haza just made my draft interface

will put it up load it soon i cant now cause using my old PC ( to lazy2 turn on my other PC :p)
just one problem my menu system needs fixing which is now giving me a headache ahhhhhhhhhhhh. :(

What function i will have

ok i roughly decided what function to have on my webpage
1. is a search function
2. like to have a user control panel as Rachel had shown
3. something that keeps up to date on the data base to display it
e.g if some one as donated a toy I'll to show it on the page using grid view or somthing like that
4. use bread crums by using hypertext

Saturday, March 20, 2010



a Databinding means binding or we can say attaching the values retrieved from the DB to the control so that it the control will be able to display the data within itself. in this case we have set the data source we to display so its the gvcate grid view

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Types of Hosting Websites
The Deluxe plan would be the best
The Enterprise plan is most suitable
The Power plan

Supreme Kids Technical Requirements

Server type: Shared
Platform: Windows
Space: 1.5G
Database: 3 MySQL database, Others- Direct Database Access, Database Backup/Restore
SSL (secure socket layer): highest encryption level
SSl available monthly for the shopping carts and purchase pages.
Location: Local (Australia)
Email: 10
Support: Email, Telephone
Service guarantee: 99.99%
Price: about $5-$40 monthly

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Got nothing to do with this but

i upgraded my net yay from a 256k to a 1500k^^

Sunday, March 7, 2010


like sessions cookies also have expiration dates on them. cookies are small files that only have line of text that contains the history of a user and so its like a tracking device and big company or any one could use it to third rate parties

Thursday, February 25, 2010

making another class

ok this lesson we are making a new class and is for productID the same thing we did for categoryID and a new table for product in the data base and then displaying them in the grid view and making sure that the url changes if we hover on another data.

this is the properties for the new class

Public Class Product
'this is the properties of this class
Private intProductID As Integer
Private strProductName As String
Private decPrice As Decimal

' this is creating a new properties
Public Sub New(ByVal productID As Integer, ByVal ProductName As String, ByVal Price As Decimal)
intProductID = productID
strProductName = ProductName
decPrice = Price
End Sub

'is setting an id inside of inproductID so we are like making a propertey in inproductID
Public Sub setProductID(ByVal ID As Integer)
intProductID = ID
End Sub
'this is calling the ID in the intProductID properties
Public Function getProductID() As Integer
Return intProductID
End Function

Public Sub setProductName(ByVal Name As String)
strProductName = Name
End Sub

Public Function getProductName() As String
Return strProductName
End Function

Public Sub setPrice(ByVal Price As Decimal)
decPrice = price
End Sub

Public Function decPrice() As Decimal
Return decPrice
End Function
End Class

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Category and category naviagtion

to day we learnt how to incorporate sql and grid view into our prototype website. some of the code also seem similar to wat we done last year
like some of these codes
Dim DBConnection As New MyConn
Dim MyConnection As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(DBConnection.geConnString)
Dim cmdGetCategories As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
With cmdGetCategories
.Connection = MyConnection
'alloe us to creat a query\
.CommandType = Data.CommandType.Text
.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM XYZCategories"

End With
' this is store in memory
Dim dsResults As New Data.DataSet
'this is telling the adress of were the data is or what other langauge is avaible does not have to be
Dim daDataAdapter As New Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(cmdGetCategories)

daDataAdapter.Fill(dsResults, "AllCategoryNames")

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

sessions&Response Request & Query Strings

R OK today lesson we learn how to use 2 different types of way to send data around

sessions variables- are permently on the server and will be there every time until you get out of it

Response Request & Query Strings- only last from a page to another and the user can only see it

first day

ok well this is my first day back and in a diploma cource
lols this is gona be hard

diploma in programming

hi this is a blog for diploma in programming